Scam or fraud: Vodafone India — Wrong Billing of my Mob No – 8826488200

Submitted by:  Tarun K Kakar

Complaint Details:
This is to inform you that today I have received a bill through Sms for Rs 514.40 for my Mob No – 8826488200. (billing cycle from 6th Feb’17 to 5th March’17)

I had a plan of Rs 199 for voice calls + Rs 249 for Net Data. On 10th of Feb’17 I informed Vodafone to change my plan and cancel my Net Data plan with immediate effect. (which they did)

Today on inquiring from your office I was told that you have charged me for Net Data for the full month.

As a rule it has to be on pro rata basis only.i.e. I should be charged for the no. of days I have used the Net Data (5 days)
(for this reason I deactivated it on 10th Feb’17, otherwise I could have done it on 5th Feb’17 itself)

If it was not so, then why was I not informed? Your customer has the right to know the rule which you want to apply.

