Scam or fraud: Vodafone India — Postpaid Bill Overcharged

Submitted by: guitarlover27

Complaint Details:
Hello Sir,
Before completion of billing cycle in Sept. month, I confirmed from vodafone representative that I will not get any bill next month if I do not use their services. In spite of this, I was forced to make the payment of Rs. 656.32 as my sim card was deactivated by the firm’s representatives.
I then visited the Aundh, Pune vodafone store and requested them for sim activation and getting the sim converted to prepaid to avoid any wrong billing in future. In spite of this, it’s been a week now and my sim has not yet been activated. Instead, I got a mail from vodafone representative that there is a bill due of Rs. 114.32 against my number.
I am attaching the mail snapshot of Rs. 656.32 from vodafone representative and my bill payment receipt for your reference.
I hope my sim get activated soon in prepaid number as I have been facing lot of issues due to number deactivation inspite of bill payment.
Thank You! My email id is

