Scam or fraud: Uti Infrastructure Technology & Services Limited [Utiitsl] — “Record not found”

Submitted by: angucool

Complaint Details:

UTI Coupon No.617229368 (As per EMudhra Mail)

Sir i am ANGURAJ KAMARAJ from Karur, Tamil Nadu. I had applied PAN Card correction through eMudhra Limited (PAN Services) on 29/12/2016 (EMudhra Application Ref No.2016122929511 dt.29/12/2016) and the same was approved by them on 04/02/2017. Received the mail stated that the application has been forwarded to UTI-ITSL for further processing on 04/02/2017 vide Coupon Number.617229368. While checking the status of my application with UTI-ITSL website it shows that “Record not found”. Kindly looking to this and do the needful.

