Scam or fraud: Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation [TNSTC] — Harassment-Non stopping at stop

Submitted by: badrikrish

Complaint Details:
I was travelling with my old age mother and my infant child in the bus barring registration number Tn-3864 from Thiruvanmiyur to Kasi theatre on 10.02.2017.
The conductor was very busy in is cell phone and he has not advice the driver to stop at kasi theatre where we are suppose to get down. When we questioned the conductor repeatly he gave an irresponsible answer and not behaived properly. Ultemately the bus stopped at Udayam theatre and we have to walk back 1 km with my old age mother and my infant child.
i am very heartly hurt this matter. Please look in to the matter and give feedback.
The bus passed through the kasi thetre at 3.40pm on 10.02.2017.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

