Scam or fraud: State Bank Of India [SBI] — Auto drawn twice at a time Rs.4000/- from ATM

Submitted by: usmankhan

Complaint Details:
Dear Sir,
With due request I beg to say that I have drawn Rs.2000/-on 20.12.16 from ATM but auto drawn twice at a time, my account debited Rs.4000/- .
As per RBI rules there was Rs.2000/- drawn at a time from one ATM card.
I have complained many time but no action.
So kindly do something for this complain & credited Rs.2000/- in my account no.30275548563.
Complain Details:-
1.On Line Complain No.- 2858719672 dt. 05.01.2017
2.Branch Office Complain on 04.02.2017

