Scam or fraud: — Short supply of auxiliaries of Kross Impel 1.0 Cycle

Submitted by:  psinha2211

Complaint Details:
Self has purchased Kross Mountain Bike Impel 1.0 vide Invoice No: S8C338/16-17/656, dated 23.01.2017.This item was delivered to me on 31.01.2017 within a carton and plastic bag.
Same packet(box) was opened by me on 01/02/2016 and I have noticed following short supply in the delivery:
1. Cycle was not packed in original packing of Kross cycle and on top cover ‘Mach City’ was written and as per carton cycle was single speed. Due to absence of original and un proper packing cycle front Disc brake was damaged(bent). I have sent you few photographs of the packing.
2. Cycle side stand and front & back mud guard cover was not provided with this cycle.These items were very much in the auxiliaries of the cycle that was shown to me in picture and this I have confirmed from cycle manufacturer also.Perhaps this happened because of absence of original packing.
3. I personally purchased these item in Rs 950/-(Side stand Rs 650/- & Mudguard Rs 300/-).Copy of the receipt I am sending to you for your reference.
4. Cycle was assembled at Mumbai after repairing front brake disc and it is in operation now.Assembly charges were paid by me.

You are therefore requested to reimburse the cost of Cycle Side Stand and front &back Mud guard(Total cost Rs 950/-) which were supposed to be part of your delivery.
Photos I am not able to upload since size is more than 2 MB.
Mumbai, Mobile:9470591689

