Scam or fraud: Shop CJ — Djduddbnd

Submitted by:  Prabhdeep sidhu

Complaint Details:
Complaint Order no. 20160929076111
Worth Rs.1148
Delivered on: 29 september 2016

Its been more than near about 3 months..
And have not even responded me regarding the rude behave & abusive behaviour of a delivery boy..
Delivery boy details..
Name: Rahul
Contact no. 9914342666
And action should be taken regarding this delivery boy’s behaviour..

And have not refunded the money of my product till yet.. (date: 9 DeC 16)

Whenever i call they ask me to wait for 7-10 days & when after 10 days i call back they again ask me to wait..
I think they are just skipping of.. & avoiding my call.. & not taking proper action regarding it.
So i am fed up this long wait.

