Scam or fraud: Reliance Communications — Penalties imposed on the consumer for the fault not committed by it

Submitted by: sangisetti padma

Complaint Details:
I, S.V.Ramana Murty, am a post paid subscriber of reliance communications in Jalsa package and my phone no is 9949992476. I used to paid my bills in cash through a local reliance dealer and in January 2017 as usual I paid my reliance bill of Rs.550/- in cash to the local reliance dealer on 20-01-2017 whose particulars are as detailed below.
Dhanya lakshmi communications, Railway track road, R.R.Pet, Eluru. Cell No. 9396457676
Immediately, I got a message from reliance after payment saying that, the payment had been credited to my account against the bill on 20-01-2017. On 31-01-2017 I received a message saying that, the cheque had been declined due to inadequate funds. After two hours, on the same day, i.e., on 31-01-2017 I received another message saying that, the cheque had been credited to my account against my January 2017 bill on 31-01-2017,
On 8-02-2017, I received bill for February 2017 through e mail and I astonished, when I have gone thorough that bill. Generally, my bill would be around about 570/- rupees per month, but this time you have charged 910/-. When I observed thoroughly, I found in that bill you have imposed Rs. 200/- for cheque dishonour charges and Rs.100/- for late payment charges and consequent taxes on those penalties. Here, what you have to observe is that, you have imposed penalties on wrong person. This fault was committed by the reliance dealer. But you have imposed the penalties on me for the fault which was not committed by me.
Therefore, I request you to immediately rectify the mistake done in the February 2017 bill and eliminate those penalties from my February 2017 Bill, so that I can pay the legitimate amount to the reliance communications take action on the relevant person. Otherwise, I will take this matter to the consumer court for necessary action.
Thanking you,
Reliance Service Number: 9949992476

