Scam or fraud: Quikr — Product not working. sent not working product deleived by quickr door step

Submitted by: keyraj

Complaint Details:
I ordered a galaxy graphics card and desktop dd2 ram on 31-jan-2017 (285913801 & 285914507). but they fixed time slot on feb 6 (4-8 p.m & 8-10 pm) for both products. but the courier boy came on afternoon talking rude to customer. I will deliver now if not it will delivery in some other day courier boy told me. so he deleiver the product to my dad and my dad told me to wiat for 15 min to check the product but deliver boy refused and he ask him to sign forcely and talking badly to my dad. once he got signed he went away. once I came and check the product the product was faulty. not working products. quickr is cheating the customers I never seen like this type of cheating.

kindly return my money as soon as possible.

