Scam or fraud: Pune Traffic Police — wrong driver details in echallan

Submitted by: Kausik G.

Complaint Details:
I’ve received an e-challan no. PTPCHC170707000612 for “Halting ahead white line” from Pune Traffic police (details provided below). The challan showed my name as the driver for this incident. However, one of the drivers from a VW service center was driving my car (on his way back to my resident after annual servicing) when this incident took place.
Therefore, I would like to have my name removed from the driver’s name for this challan. Further, I can provide the actual driver’s name for this matter as well.

Request your kind attention to resolve this matter.
Thanks in advance.

Challan No : PTPCHC170707000612
Incident Date : 2017-07-07
Incident Time : 12:10:00
Reason: Halting ahead white line

