Scam or fraud: Paytm Mobile Solutions — Paytm has deducted 7 instances of my paytm cash even though there is no successful transaction

Submitted by: pavankumarvs

Complaint Details:
I have used a Send Money option available in Paytm using Paytm IOS app which has a critical defect/bug in the app.

But receiver doesn’t receive the amount Rs.1600 as transaction got failed. Then I verified the amount then it was proper in my Paytm wallet.

Later after the critical bug has been fixed for Paytm IOS app, I upgraded my Paytm from Apple Store.

After upgrading when I opened the Paytm account then I realized Rs.11200 has been deducted from my Paytm wallet which means 7 times Rs.1600 has been deducted for the same date, same time along with seconds.

Please refer the screen print photo attached.

When I raised a customer care ticket then they responded telling that “We don’t have money reversal policy, once transferred”.
And most annoying thing is you don’t have option to reach out to customer care service representative through phone number.
Again I raised couple of customer service requests but until now I have not received any call from their end.

