Scam or fraud: Orion Edutech — About my DIHN Certificate

Submitted by:  himanshuc2c

Complaint Details:
Respected Sir,
I passed all the exams in the course and have paid all the instalments before the final exam. But did not get my DIHN certificate from Ultadanga center kolkata. I have already submitted my marks sheet to Mr. Pritam Sir. I called several times to Mrs Madhumita Ma’am on this number 9432230080, but didn’t get any response. Now I am at Muzaffarpur in Bihar and cann’t go to the office kolkata.
Please sent my certificate on my address:
Himanshu Ranjan, S/o :- Shiv Kumar Srivastava,
Vill+Post:- Rajapakar, P.s.:- Sakra, District:- Muzaffarpur, Bihar, Pin :- 843102
Student code:- oc001/1749
Course :- DiHN
Date of Admision :- 30 Jan 2013

