Scam or fraud: — Myntra is a fraud compny

Submitted by: Vinod Dhaker

Complaint Details:
Sir i have orderd a jens {order no1034257-8483979-6023703} .from myntra on date 22 dec 2016. and i receved the product on date 26 dec 2016. and try it, that is unfit on me. so i creat retun reques on date 26 dec 2016 and send the product return{return id no.19542525} by self ship. then i receved a mail from myntra on date of 9 jan 2017 in that mail ihave a information about my request is declind due to quality check problem. so i call to myntra custmar care no. and he told me about rechaking about quality check. and then i again recived a mail from myntra on date 12 jan 2017 in that mail told me about re shipping my product to me. but then they did not provide me tracking id no. so i call again to custmer care again. then they did not give me the traking no. then to till day myntra custmer care cant give me the proper reason. where is my product and they didnt give me my product or money. so please give me justice. thank you

