Scam or fraud: L&t Infrastrstructure Finance Company Ltd — Redemption of the bonds

Submitted by: gurvindersinghrajpal

Complaint Details:
I am holding L&T Infra Bonds. last day of Lock-in-period (5 years) is 10.01.17. I have not recd any intimation for the same via mail .I have tried to contact on the concerned telephone nos mentioned in the Certificate but none of the Telephone nos mentioned are working.

Moreover, I have not received any Buyback intimation from you. I have to surrender the Bonds and claim the maturity amount. My details are listed as under .

Name : Gurvinder Singh Rajpal
Regd. Folio No. 21059129
Certificate No. : 261327
Series: 2
Date of Allotment : 10.01.2012
Address: R 104, Aarohi Crest,
Gala Gymkhana road, near SP ring road
South Bopal
Gujarat 380058

