Submitted by: Shaniba Shanif
Complaint Details:
Hi Sir,
Since 22 years we people were suffered because of small walking way. There were no auto will come. The street was full of pit. And the family were in front of the street was not ready to give their portion of land for making street better. Because of these many reason people there were suffered alot more than 22 years. Right now am 25. We all people recommended ward members and all for many years. But was no development. Thanks to god before 2 years back our street got little development and the front family gave some portion of land for the street. Perfectly an auto or a small car go on that way. A new home constructed there recently. 4 days ago for them elctricity people have placed electtric transoformer on this way without informing other people. Placed informing people is not a matter but they laced on the street because of that no auto or car cant go inside. And the lady opposit of that transformer is not ready to give portion of land as a compensation . So these vehicles can go easily. Around 15 families are staying after this new transformer. Each family has atleast one senior citizen. When they placed electric post nobody was there. most of the people there is going for job. They are not educated and normally living people. After this they all went to elecricity board and filed a complaint on saturday. yesterday a person from authority came and scold them very badly by supporting transformed placed family. He asked for the people Is light is necessary or way is necessory. Of course both are necessary thing in the world. Everyone were tried to convince him about need of way they want. Actually this lady has different way. She has no walking way with our root . She has backside way that is her actual way . She shouldn’t use this way actually. The way she has to use actually is in front of her sisters home. Thats why she chose our way to place transformer.
Anyway thats is not our matter. We need way not only to walk but also to use vehicles. Today or tomorrow anyone have a chance to have sudden disease that time nobody can help us. Life is more important that light. We are afraid of our future. We had a bad experience before with the same situation when we had no way for vehicle. This lady influence authority and now we people are in trouble. We are still believing that the law will help us. Please do some action against this and help me poor people over there. Am posting this from mumbai . am here for job. This is my contact nu number 8879762563. Shaniba Shanif