Submitted by: nikhilkadam1432
Complaint Details:
Nikhil kadam
Dear sir
I m nikhil kadam i have brought a mobile intex aqua power 2 on 3-4-2016
After 4 months a problem in my mobile.
Teni 4to 6 times i go in gallery but my problem is not solved then i will go kalyan gallery and submit mobile to repair then after 1 month they give mi a new mobile intex aqua power 4g .i will receive that mobile then after 15 days many problems in new phone i will go gallary of dombavali again after one month they giv mi repair mobile .but this mobile is not proper repair .my touch is not proper workong, mobile is hang some time, auto work, auto reboot.i dont want use this mobile
So you will give mi a replace new other mobile nither give mi refund …