Scam or fraud: Indian Oil Corporation [IOC] — Repeated Cancellation and Non-Delivery of Refills on time.

Submitted by:  rishusap

Complaint Details:
My Indane Consumer number is CX23656161. I am facing severe refill delay issues at my place. Whenever I book a refill, I get a confirmation message and expected delivery time.But even after waiting for 12-15 days, nobody comes to deliver the refill and instead I get a message of cancellation after waiting for 15 days for no reason. Then I again have to book refill and sometimes we have to personally go to distributor place and request it. Everyone in my building is getting refills on time except me. And it is really surprising that when everyone in the building is getting it on time then why there is always a delay at my place? And recently they went a step ahead. They sent cancellation message mentioning reason that no one was at home.
I work remotely from home and stay my retired parents. So there is always someone at home 24X7. So they are just putting reasons without even visiting my place.
This is really a pathetic service.

