Submitted by: arvindh85
Complaint Details:
I am using a Hdfc credit card, was unable to pay due foe two months due to personal reasons and recent natural disasters. I have informed that payment will be delayed, all of a sudden getting messages in whatsapp bugging me to make payment and even threatening messages as in they send bank people to collect overall money. You people must understand if someone is unable to make payment all of a sudden then there will be an issue and I do not have to provide proof to them.
All of a sudden got a call from a manager asking me to pay the balance who is not eve aware that I have informed that I will pay later and I don’t know who on earth promoted that guy as a managgot I asked an apology letter as no bank is authorized to threaten people, bit till today nothing happened, but I made the minimum due payment.
Again today I got call asking to pay again but that customer Service executive in not aware of the case history.
I an really not sure whether they really want customers or not. Just driving me nuts. Friends don’t ever use Hdfc credir card.