Scam or fraud: Excel Service Hitachi Asp — Hitachi Authorized Service Provider in Borivali East

Submitted by:  sjshah

Complaint Details:
They are the biggest cheaters HITACHI has been appointed to maybe spoil the name of the company.
A person called Ruchi called me and said they are authorized service provider and your AC unit warranty has expired and you must take the AMC contract and told me the rates of Hitachi and then when I asked for the discount she said HITACHI company don’t give any discount but if you want you can get discount in EXCEL SERVICE .

And for my surprise the discount was huge, when I asked her to send her service representative to send for contract then a person arrived and said about contracts and even said for complaints you have to call only at EXCEL SERVICE numbers as HITCHI should not be informed about it as they will ask us for their share of money.When I called HITACHI at their goregoan office I got the information that EXCEL SERVICE only takes care of Borivali area and I happened to stay at MALAD, .
Then how could a service provider from Borivali has the connection to call me and ask for the AMC contract, and after few days I again got a call from EXCEL SERVICE boss Sandeep Gupta to warn me that I should not complaint in HITACHI if we have approached you for AMC as his partner is having good influence in politics and can make my life miserable.
Is HITACHI so incompetence to appoint such outrageous ASP.

