Scam or fraud: Employee’s Providents Fund Organisation [EPFO] — Asking for bribe

Submitted by: ravi nailwal

Complaint Details:
Dear Sir/Madam,

Dear sir

I’m working in India Glycols Ltd., Bazpur Road Kashipur from 15.06.2013 TO 30.11.2016 under contract of M/s ANAND SAXENA – SONS, KASHIPUR. Now our contract has been change he give several excuses for regarding withdrawal of our Provident Fund. He didn’t update our KYC and when I ask for updating KYC he ask for bribe. Kindly look in this matter and please resolve it.

Following is my P.F account details:-

Name : Ravi Nailwal
Father’s Name : P.D.Nainwal
UAN : 100310341216
P.F No. : UKHLD00333630000000417
Date of Birth : 05/12/1988
Mobile No. : 9634436657

Kindly resolve the issue sir and solve my problem

