Scam or fraud: Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam — Meter Demage

Submitted by: Dayanand Bhardwaj

Complaint Details:
The Executive Engineer
Nearest office Faridabad Sub Division F15 -Kheri Kalan
Ref: Consumer A/C No.3491267119
Name Svita Khan
Reg:Meter Demage

I am Savita Khan W/o Yusuf Khan Account No. 3491267119 and Old A/c No. 1215301UATSI1419, Resident of Faridabad House No. 28, Yamuna Enclave Part D1, Dheeraj Nagar Attmad Pur Mob No. 9582035752, Sub Division F-15, Kheri Kalan, Division Greater Faridabad, Circle-1, I request you My Meter is Damaged and burn please see my Meter and repair

thanking You,

