Submitted by: Nilmadhab Satkar
Complaint Details:
I have purchase some grocery/cloths etc from Big Bazar Vide LAN No.410REM27981274 Total Purchase amount 5003/- and EMI fixed @ Rs 1668/-pm w.e.f. 02/11/2016 x 3 EMIs but last ENI amount I have already deposited to Allahabad Bank on 26/12/16. It is not understand on what basis your EMI amount has been bounced. As a result I am facing trouble and ham parred my goodwil. Although I asked Bank authority why they are dis-honoured without any reason they also denied to talk with me due to their business.and present banking systems etc.I will be deposit the EMI with bouncing charge @ 2018/- to-day. Please my EMI Card may please activatw immediately and also I want to change the Bank name from Allahabad Bank to UBI Bank Uttarpara please confirm the same