Scam or fraud: Apollo Pharmacy — unattended customer

Submitted by: irshad ahemad gokak

Complaint Details:


I want to register a formal complaint against Apollo pharmacy located diagonally opposite to the below address:
‘L&T South City Apartments, Arekere MICO Layout 2nd stage, Santrupthi Nagar, JP Nagar 7th Phase, Arekere, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076’ in regards to NOT Attending Customer while there were tons of them in the store completely ignoring me. As I called out them to provide me the medicines they kept ignoring me until I walk out of the store embarrassed and disappointed by this behavior of theirs. Kindly review this from your end and do consider this as a Strong feedback from a valued customer who’s been using your service for years.

Thanks and Regards,
Irshad (Valued Customer of Apollo pharmacy)


