Scam or fraud: Freecharge Payment Technologies / — My freecharge account is suspended unnecessarily and unauthorisedly

Submitted by: Bappa123

Complaint Details:It is seen that my account was suspended.How do I regain my account.I have purchased Pediasure Kesar Badam through snapdeal during the freecharge 100% cash back promotional offer . Order ID: 17219081971 placed on 11 Dec 2016. Now its time to give the cashback so they are blocking the unnecessarily and unauthorisedly way now how do I get my cash back offer with out my freecharge account. Please unblock my freecharge/snapdeal account.What should I do to unblock my account.I didn’t expect this kind of activity from freecharge.You never informed me through email or sms that my account is being suspended for

Scam or fraud: Paytm Mobile Solutions — Goods is not been replaced

Submitted by:  Abdul Razak Rathod

Complaint Details:
I want to return the goods purchased but it does not shows the option of returning it.
it asks me to wait for some time
but almost after three days the problem is not been resolved
ssssàhjxjjxjxnxjxjxjxjjxjxjxjxjxjxjjxxxjxjxjxjxjxjjxjxd djdjd ddjdd djdjdnd dfndjdnd fbdjdd djddjd dbxbdbx xbdjdbd sbsjsbdb szbxhdjzh zbzhzhzhz zbzhzhhzz zhzhzhxhhx sbshshshzhs bshzhzhhzz z zhhzhzhzhs sbshshshsh sbhzhzzh zhzhzh shshshshs hzhzhssh szhzhzb zhshzhs shshsbs sbshsh zbshsbs sbshsh sshshsb shsbshsbs shshsbsbs sbsbs sshs shs zhzbs s hs shs s bsjs sbshs zbs sbsshu

Scam or fraud: Sony India — Pen drive not workinga


Complaint Details:
My TV’s (Sl. No.S015467158m – KLV-32R402A) pen drive port is not working for nearly 2 months.

Yesterday one mechanic from your Mumbai Service Centre came and checked the port. He said that the entire mother board set has to be changed which is costing nearly Rs.6, 000/-. But the Service Centre and the service person refused to give any report in this regard. I said that unless the report is given, I will not give the service charge of Rs.200/-.

The TV was purchased on 21.02.14. It is less than 3 years old. How the pen drive port will be out of order within such shorter duration. The other features of the TV are in order.

Please send one qualified engineer to my house and get the port checked. It appears to be a manufacturing defect. It so, please change the TV itself immediately.

Scam or fraud: +91 75 6287 9064 — Fraud call asking debit/atm card details

Submitted by: sbsinghchhillar

Complaint Details:
This phon no. # 7562879064 has made a call to my no. at 09:40 PM on 26 Dec 2016 asking for debit card / ATM card details as 100 bestbuy employer to refund my money for which I have made a complained earlier on this web.All to note this no. and report for fraud caller.
He was telling that I am speaking from Partap Nagar Delhi but tru caller shows of Bihar number.

Scam or fraud: Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation [GSRTC] — Bus cancelled

Submitted by: Mukesh Jethava

Complaint Details:
Dear sir

Veraval to vadla bus is last bus of the day
Second last bus time is 3 p.m. so we students had no options to use other bus and express bus not validate our passes this bus time is 6.15 pm and at last time authority says your bus is cancelled
Than we have to inform our perents to pickup us
This type of troble being 5 time in month.
They never inform us before day .
Tell them to inform us before day so wecan bunk schools.
Also submited photo copy of writen complaint
Thankyou waiting for replay

Scam or fraud: Mcdonald’s India — Air conditioner always off!!

Submitted by: Roshrc

Complaint Details:
I am a resident of Kalyan khadakpada . I go to Ur outlet at this particular branch of Kalyan khadakpada atleast 3-4 days in a week, always the air conditioning is off !! For reasons best known to them!! Moreover there are so many mosquitoes that a person can hardly sit there for few minutes . Today am fed up and complaining .
V as customers don’t expect this kind of service especially from a brand like yours .
Hope u do the needful!!
Thanks !

Scam or fraud: KFC India — Hilarious service

Submitted by: Asif nizam

Complaint Details:
I am really disappointed with the service always for the Park street Kolkata, which is nearby my home. But all the time they doesn’t provide food in the exact time. And not a single time they have succeeded to provide me food in time. I am sorry to complain you. But kind request will be thankful if you improve the services in this outlets.
Thanking you.

Scam or fraud: Quikr — Complain not handle ( See total communication )

Submitted by:  Umesh singh kushwaha

Complaint Details:
Quikr — Un working sony xperia c4 mobile

2 Reviews
Um Umesh singh kushwaha on Nov 25, 2016 Mark as Resolved

Dear sir
I book a sony xperia c4 by kwikr mobile previos 18/10/2016 order id – 10196481- when i recived mobile third party normal charger and w/o earphone, pack in normal box.
When i try mobile swith on then touch pad does not working, i just call customer care and also send kwikr e-mail… But no one response / feedback on my e-mail till time approx. 40 days.
When i call customer care they say send him snap shot and video as in mobile issue,
I send but no one feedback… I try again and again customer care then say we try in process… After approx.40 days no response and feedback… Its tottaly fraud kwikr.
Also i talk with higher officer they say next week pick up but 3 week gone, no one call to me /feedback by kwikr…
Why every time call by me, why not kwikr response…?

I want re-fund, i never shop on this fraud site… No one quick responce customer care..
Sir i also shoping on flipkart. Amzon, e-bay. Overcart, shopclause, snapdeal as i suitable and offer as my requirment – if any issue just solve by customer care 9 quick response)
But quikr is tottaly rubbish about customer care (Very slow process)


Complaint Status
[Nov 25, 2016] Quikr customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Quikr Customer Care’s response, Nov 25, 2016
Hi Umesh,

We deeply regret the inconvenience caused to you. We’ve shared your details with our support team and they will get back to you.

Thank you.

– Team Quikr
Updated by Umesh singh kushwaha, Nov 27, 2016
Till time no one update / Feedback …
Need to process improvement as soon as possible…very late Responce by quikr.
what/why issue —-unknow
As i inform to you above other site customer care about quick Responce and action on any customer coplaints then why not kwikr site involve same.
what action by you & when will be my mobile pick up and Re-fund my payment .

Updated by Umesh singh kushwaha, Nov 29, 2016
wrost compony after till time no shedule pik up—-Full rubbish compony,
why not pick up – What problem … After 40 days what process yaar
its tottaly nonsence kwikr…

Dear sir …I think about FIR against kwikr cheater /Fraud…

Updated by Umesh singh kushwaha, Dec 01, 2016
dear sir.
Nonsense kwikr is so bad, i have no more words for say that its is tottaly fraud and customer care nonsense no reply any email and no response after call …every time call by me …due to this i losse approx. Rs 500 mobile bill.
can kwikr team it expense.
Updated by Umesh singh kushwaha, Dec 16, 2016
till time no refund …so delay…?
Updated by Umesh singh kushwaha, Dec 26, 2016
Dear sir,
As i send above mail and explan. its so shart while i many time call then communicate if i call kwikr, no one call/Feed back by kwikr fraud site/customer care …
Till time no Refund recived after 2.5 month, if call customer care they say its in process ( Before 25 Days )
Why so late by this fraud compony…Need to action fraud kwikr site and block kwikr permanently…

kindly look in to this..
MMy mobile no. 80005506212

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Complaint comments 1 Comment Updated: Dec 26, 2016 Share0Tweet0Share0
Sh Shayan Dass on Nov 28, 2016

I had submitted a add on your what’app no as per instructions however the add is not yet posted & there is no positive response herein i am very disappointed with your poor service.

Shyan Das
Complainant’s reply, Dec 16, 2016
what is this

Scam or fraud: Indian Oil Corporation [IOC] — Very rude behaviour and late delivery of indane distributer

Submitted by: nitt inn

Complaint Details:
Very late delivery of indane gas and no response from the distributer . Always delaying the refill by 10 days, when we visit to their office . And when we call forst time he will pick the call and tell he will check and get back . And then when we call again he will talk rudely . This is about sro vishnu gas agency in kadugudi having dostributer dinesh 8861417732. I did mistake choosing indane .After all its a govt agency and do not care much about AAM aadmi . And also do not know how to behave with customer

Scam or fraud: DTDC Courier & Cargo — Worst service dtdc courier in india

Submitted by: Bhanu Pratap Parmar

Complaint Details:
Hi, I wish to inform you that DTDC is most worst cargo &, courier service provider in india now . As I booked a courier on 20 dec 2016 from delhi and now it’s 26 december 2016 it is still not delivered to destination at Dholpur 328001 . DTDC dosen’t have proper pick up and deliver points else they are collection courier from customers . I feel that is the worst service I have seen ever .