Scam or fraud: Paytm refund money

Submitted by: Santosh Kumar Thakur

Complaint Details:
Respected sir/madam I added money of INR 5000 on dated to my paytm wallet and transfer to my credit card account but its show pending, couple of days ago money is return back to my wallet then selected the option return to bank (its means money goes to account which account is debited on the time of add money). Then transaction is showing to successful but not received in my bank account. I send mail to paytm but there was no response from the paytm. There was no proper customer care service phone numbers to speak to an representative. my wallet Txn id is Bank Txn ID- some days ago i received the reference no.74332746358635733883139 from paytm for success refund but till now i not received the money in my account, i also talk to bank with this no but they are say we have not received the money from paytm regarding your account

Scam or fraud: Complaint against sewer sweepers

Submitted by: Tarun Kumar

Complaint Details:
sewer sweepers clean the sewers of all the streets and throw all the garbage in front of my shop.i have requested before also to throw the garbage against the wall but they did not listen to me.thats why i complaint online also but no action is been taken against them the complaint grievance id is GRV/STZ/2016/088947.I have complaint the incharge of my area also Mr. dharamdas but no action is been taken by him also.i am facing huge problem and shop earning are also been address is B-27,tajpur pahari,budh vihar,badarpur,110044.please help me out as soon as possible and take strict action against the sweepers.

Scam or fraud: Reliance Deducted Amount for Unknown Service

Submitted by: Gajenderkumar Sharma

Complaint Details:
I am using Reliance cdma no. is Thirty rupees deducted from my Phone balance for Unknown service, which is not activate from my side. Reliance deactivate customer care service on my number because of that i am unable to connect customer care executive. Please activate customer care service on my number and refund my deducted amount as soon as possible.

Scam or fraud: Hero mastero edge problem in self showing jey sign on display

Submitted by: Mahesh Somani

Complaint Details:
after 10 days purcahse scooty from shivani hero surat , its geeting problem in every 10 days . lots of time i replairs from hero service center i want replacement anyhow. its very bad . problem in every 10th day. please reply me otherwise i go for consumer court because its my hard working earning i cant waste like this

Scam or fraud: Unauthorise lari galla

Submitted by: Pravin Patel

Complaint Details:
I am resident of Vadodara, Address:-A-4 Umang Society, NR. Jay jalaramnagar Soc. BHD. Mothers School, Gotri Road, Vadodara. PIN Adminitrative word no. 11. Infront of my resi. address as above, some person keeps unothorised LARRI GALLA and making business ill legally.And due to this GALLA many antisocial elements get toghether and creating nusence around by. Actually I had been to Ward no. 11 office personally and filed my complain regarding the same on 13th of December But till date no action is been taken of any kind and that is why I am compail to lodge my complain.

Scam or fraud: Recharge is pending & i want to cancel the order

Submitted by: Manjunath

Complaint Details:
I have made the recharge VIA PAYTM wallet of DTH Airtel on 24th December but the recharge status is still showing as “PENDING”. I have raised issue log/tickets servearal times and called Paytm Customer care in multiple times. but still no proper response from the Paytm personnel. I have even sent an email to yesterday but no use. I want paytm to put the money back to my paytm wallet as i have already made alternate arrangement for DTH recharge. i dont understand how many more days they need its already completed 4 working day. Paytm order Wallet transaction id is Regards Manjunath Mob: