Scam or fraud: Airtel — Fake bill for a non existent phone number

Submitted by:  akilaself

Complaint Details:
I do not have a airtel connection, but for the last two months airtel is sending me bills and asking me to pay. It’s harassing me with phone calls after email and SMS reminders. I want this to STOP. If this doesn’t stops immediately I have no option except to go to the consumer court.

Not sure why airtel is following this filthy path to harass customers and make money.

Scam or fraud: Onlineclues — London Looks Women’s 3 Slim- Mid Rise Denim jeans

Submitted by:  Kahkashan perween

Complaint Details:
The product which I received is totally different from the he colour which was being shown on site and quality too.
The jeans fibre is not as stretchable as mentioned in the description so it is not so comfortable . I am not satisfied with the product. I had expected too much but It is looking so old fashion. I thought the shade of one jeans is completel dull grey and other totally black but all the jeans have mixed colour so it is looking not so stylish please consider my problem. It will be really a great favour, I really need it to get returned.

Scam or fraud: Paytm Mobile Solutions — Amount deducted from my paytm wallet but not done my electricity bill payment.

Submitted by:  Rushabh Desarda

Complaint Details:
I had done bill payment of the msedcl but when i checked bill payment history on mahavitaran website they shows your bill payment not received yet. So i’m calling to mahavitaran customer care and asked about my payment they told me that your bill payment is not paid.
O please help me.
Order #1482505960175896
I mailed paytm but they didn’t repose.

Scam or fraud: Canara Bank — My atm card is blocked

Submitted by:  dhamu0311

Complaint Details:
Myself dhamodharan, Today while using my ATM by default i entered incoorect pin due to which my card get blocked.(Now even i am entering correct Pin No., it is saying that my card is blocked)
My account is with thiruvallur Branch.My ATM card No. is 5089 2527 6100 5875
please activate my card as early as possible so that i can use my account.
i will be highly obliged.
Awaiting to hear favourable reply from your goodself.
With Regards

Scam or fraud: Flipkart — Issue of return item

Submitted by:  jai kishan Jangid

Complaint Details:
Dear Sir,

1.Please refer our email dated 27.12.2016 and Order ID : OD607892262061817001 dated 18.12.2016.

Item received by me on 23.12.2016 and checked compatibility on the same day.
It was not found suitable for me and return request had been generated vide request
No. :-

Return ID : 1020791768086081513, 1020793169625035460,
1020795023463856747, 1010796101883011286 etc.

The above item is still laying with me. Ecart representative has also been informed on mobile no. 7230017120 and 9785322777 by me to collect the item but Ecart representative stating that shoe are used partially. However, the same are not used by me since i have informed on the same day to return back.

If you want photograph of the above item, i shall submit.

Request kindly instruct concerned Ecart to collect the item from me and refund my amount at the earliest.

Scam or fraud: Pbl Transport Corporation Pvt Ltd — Not respond to training

Submitted by:  volvo

Complaint Details:
Dear sir/madam,
I am from PBL Transport corporation pvt ltd from Visakhapatnam city. Our strength is 330 employees. We used OLA from long time.Recently i joined in this company.So, i don’t know, how to use OLA Coprorate.We called on 07.12.2016 to your Vizag Dwarakanagar representative. He said will come, but not came. Today, I called you.Phone is ringing, but he didnot lift our calls.We suffering with your noncooperation.Pls resolve this.

Scam or fraud: Panache Softech Pvt Ltd — Bulk sms

Submitted by: Andy_1234

Complaint Details:
This company is a fraud company. They give demo and once they take payment, they disappear . They do answer phone calls and reply to messages but they do not provide you service.

I am scammed by this company. After paying 7000 for bulk SMS. They provided a portal which does not work.

Repeated calls and messages are of no use.

Do not do business with this company. It is a fraud company operating out of noida.

I have given complain to authorities to freeze its accounts

Scam or fraud: SRS Travels — Complaint during travel in your bus

Submitted by:  Jeeva Nanth

Complaint Details:
Sir., my sister came your omni bus with baby from Chennai to sivakasi in 28.12.2016.they put bus in virudunagar for one hour& Madurai in one hour for downloading goods from bus.they came 2.15 hours late.they came 9.15am instead of 7.00am.
And they dropdown them before 2 km from proper stop of bus stand.also a old lady affect by it a SRS travels or SRS goods carrier?.i t is your protection of your customer.we regularly come your bus.if you don’t take action you loss many of your customers

Scam or fraud: SRS Travels — Complaint during travel in your bus

Submitted by: Jeeva Nanth

Complaint Details:

Sir., my sister came your omni bus with baby from Chennai to sivakasi in 28.12.2016.they put bus in virudunagar for one hour& Madurai in one hour for downloading goods from bus.they came 2.15 hours late.they came 9.15am instead of 7.00am.
And they dropdown them before 2 km from proper stop of bus stand.also a old lady affect by it a SRS travels or SRS goods carrier?.i t is your protection of your customer.we regularly come your bus.if you don’t take action you loss many of your customers


Scam or fraud: Mahindra Two Wheelers — Balancing problem in handle of my gusto scooter

Submitted by:  Kishan Chaturvedi

Complaint Details:
मैंने महिंद्रा शोरूम प्रताप नगर आगरा से गस्टो वीएक्स फरवरी 2016 में खरीदा। जिसका चेसिस नं.F 1152222 और इंजन नं.FlO 58496 है। खरीदने के साथ ही मुझे महसूस हुआ कि इसका हैंडल कुछ टाइट है। मैंने शोरूम मैनेजर मिस्टर मनोज शर्मा को बताया तो उन्होंने कहा कुछ नहीं चलते-चलते ठीक हो जाएगा। पहली सर्विस पर शोरूम पर मिस्त्री को बताया तो उसने कहा ठीक है। तीसरी सर्विस पर 27.12.2016 को मिस्त्री को बताया कि हैंडल में कुछ दिक्कत है मेरे उल्टे हाथ में दर्द भी हो जाता है तो उसने हैंडल को ढीला किया और फिर कस दिया। लेकिन मुझे फिर भी इसका बैलेंस ठीक नहीं लग रहा। यह उल्टे हाथ की ओर भागता है।
इस समस्या का निदान शीघ्र अति शीघ्र कराया जाय।
किशन चतुर्वेदी
88 साकेत कालोनी, शाहगंज आगरा