Scam or fraud: Street Style Store — Ticket 443497 (order 1138342)

Submitted by: r4richa

Complaint Details:
This ticket was opened on 20th of december and still has not been resolved???

I sent the seller the pictures of the defective bag they sent me and they haven’t still repiled to me.

I received this handbag and it is defective. It has got discolouration marks all over the bottom side of the bag. I would like to return this for a refund or store credit

Best regards,
Richa k

Scam or fraud: Jukaso Journeys — Membership sold but no reservations yet

Submitted by: Prachee Sachan Pal

Complaint Details:
I was sold membership for 10 yrs by jukaso for which I paid 160000… It’s our hard earned money… And these people don’t respond to our calls our emails as per their fraud policy… They think we are fools and won’t do anything about it… But they are yet to face what they havnt faced in years of their fraud scam of looting ppl and not providing services
Mr rajiv khanna and malini khanna are people to be blamed

Scam or fraud: Travel Raga Holidays — 13-28876

Submitted by:  arti_gupta

Complaint Details:
13-28876, i booked a package for manali, i got nothing that was committed starting from volvo the Bus condition was pathetic and the vendor was saying he needs the print tickets although the tour advisor honey confirmed that i need to show e-ticket .. my husbnd had to rush and get the tickets printout and dats how the beginning was spoiled..

Hotel.. i was cnfirmed bed tea but got nthng, talking about candle light dinner dey lit 2 candles on the plates and turned off the light dats it..

and followed by the best thing ever, we paid extra for a non functional heater and wen we said the heater is non functional the rep said its due to electricity fluctuations.. ok fyn dan why r u charging extra?

leave all dat the best is travel raga.. i called dem while on tour all the numbers were off.. dere special hotline numbers were off and one guy who managed to pick the phn said i ll get back to u in next 10 min and he turned his phn off too..

We had to pay for the return volvo Luggage .. which was never told to us

Great tripl planners dey are visit dem if you want to spoil ur holidays

Scam or fraud: Delhi Jal Board — Payment of rs 15272 on 11.5.2015 vide cash receipt no.393553162780 not deducted in the bill dt 23.9.16 (k. no 3935531000)

Submitted by: Kailash Vigg

Complaint Details:
Please refer to my letter dated 14.10.16 submitted personally to your office in gk -5.10 / a-zo duly receipted & stamped on 14.10.16. No reply has been given to me so far. On top of that, i get reminders directing me to pay rs 17187 vide bill dated 23.9.16 without giving adjustment / credit for rs 15272 already paid in cash on 11.5.2015 against bill dated 29.4.2015.
So please go through the arrears of rs 15238 as mentioned in your bill dated 23.9.16 & adjust the amount of rs 15272 already paid in cash on 11.5.15

Scam or fraud: — No Delivery of Mobile Hand Set Order No. 106267415

Submitted by: shalash68

Complaint Details:
I was placed an prepaid order to purchase Samsung Guru Music 2 B310E (Blue) mobile from and paid the Rs. 1660.00 in advance. Company assured that product be deliver on 29 Dec 2016. Since same not yet delivered so, I post a complaint regarding delay in delivery of Order No. 106267415 on 30 Dec 2016. provided a token No. 559862 and assure to resolve the issue within two working days. But I am sorry to say that, neither product is delivered nor response received from I again lodge a complaint on 03 Jan 2017 and again assured by that issue should resolve within next two working days.

Scam or fraud: Street Style Store — Non delivery of prepaid order and untrackable order

Submitted by: manishap90

Complaint Details:
I have placed an order from street style store of for some clothings and footwears from on 18th of dec 2016. Clothings i have received but footwears are yet not delivered. I have orederd footwears of about 1698 rs. They have not provided any tracking detail so that i can track my order. Even the contact no they have provided is not available. I have send them so many mails but they don’t even bother to reply. Its a pathetic website

Scam or fraud: Street Style Store — Non delivery of prepaid order and untrackable order

Submitted by: manishap90

Complaint Details:
I have placed an order from street style store of for some clothings and footwears from on 18th of dec 2016. Clothings i have received but footwears are yet not delivered. I have orederd footwears of about 1698 rs. They have not provided any tracking detail so that i can track my order. Even the contact no they have provided is not available. I have send them so many mails but they don’t even bother to reply. Its a pathetic website

Scam or fraud: IFB Industries — Defective product received – no response from cs (30sc4)

Submitted by:  nitinvv

Complaint Details:
Good day,

We purchased this product and it was giving electric shocks as we took it out and tried to use it. Defective product received, someone from ifb came for demo and took the request for replacement as defective product was received, however no response is received in 2 weeks, so i have launched a complaint with ifb customer service and still no response after 4 days. This is our first ifb product and i am really having very bad service experience with ifb.

Complaint no: 18966722

Kindly resolve this issue asap.


Scam or fraud: IFB Industries — Defective product received – no response from cs (30sc4)

Submitted by:  nitinvv

Complaint Details:
Good day,

We purchased this product and it was giving electric shocks as we took it out and tried to use it. Defective product received, someone from ifb came for demo and took the request for replacement as defective product was received, however no response is received in 2 weeks, so i have launched a complaint with ifb customer service and still no response after 4 days. This is our first ifb product and i am really having very bad service experience with ifb.

Complaint no: 18966722

Kindly resolve this issue asap.


Scam or fraud: Indian Oil Corporation [IOC] — Subsidy was not received

Submitted by: AjeetKumar Singh

Complaint Details:
My Cust no.31025 agency name Dee Pee Enterprises (IOCL), G-22A Aashirwad Complex, Plot No. D-1, Green Park Main, New Delhi-16 was not release subsidy amount last 6month. I was discussed with Mr. Abhisek area incharge (mobile No.9899240266) of Indian Oil, he told me your income is above 10 Lacs showing in your aadhar, without any letter and information my subsidy amount hold IOCL and Dee pee Enterprises, Please release my subsidy amount and regularise my account.

but at that time last 1 1/2 year I am jobless. how to show my salary in high.

My Aadhar number registered with you is 216373063905
Kindly do the needful at the earliest.
Ajeet Kumar Singh
120D Lane No.5, Krishna Nagar Safadarjung Enclave New Delhi-29
Mobile 9654918999