Scam or fraud: — Not giving refund

Submitted by: Sameer Sutarkar

Complaint Details:
I have purchase a refurbished phone from ebay on 12 january 2017… i got the phone but with certain panel gaps dust particles in ports and a non-original nokia battery while seller had written in description that nokia batter… i immediately raised a claim and uploaded photos of it… on 23 january 2017 ebay arranged a reverse pickup and i have sent the product back but no response from ebay or seller regarding the refund or replacement … firstly the seller said that he will be away from office till 25 january 2017 and now he has updated that he will away till 30 january 2017 i mean what type of seller is this who is not responding to buyer and just faking that he is away from office and ebay is not taking any action against him… i have contacted multiple times to ebay that plzz do refund my money and i dont want a replacement from that seller and dont want to buy anything from the seller still ebay is not resolving my problem its been 10 days still i am struggling for solution and wasting my time by contacting ebay, , sending emails, and calling customer support … i have not the whole time for just wasting by calling or contacting the seller or ebay… I JUST DONT WANT TO BY ANYTHING FROM THE SELLER NOW … MY FREIND ADVISED ME TO TRY EBAY FOR SHOPPING THATS WHAT DID BUT ITS THE WORST EXPERIENCE I HAVE .. IF STILL ISSUE ISNT RESOLVED I WILL NEVER BUY ANYTHING ON EBAY… I AM PROVIDING DETAILS OF MY ORDER

ITEM TITLE: Nokia 5310 Xpress Music Mobile Phone Blue Colour With Box.
TOTAL COST: 2, 990
PAISAPAY ID: 44510283901
ITEM NUMBER: 252524316481
SELLER NAME : rselectronicscity1985

Scam or fraud: Airport Authority Of India – Kolkata Airport — Stray trolleys and behavior of staff regarding the same

Submitted by: Ankitaosatwal

Complaint Details:
I would like to inform the authorities of the rude and dismissive behavior of the staff when I informed them that they should try to clear up the area in front of the entrance to security check. I opened another area so that I would be easy for people to pass at which they raised an objection and said that, “Move trolley and come from there only”
Similar situation was present at the indigo line and the lady attending to me pointed out to me that I should try and make my way through the storm of trolleys.

I was astonished at this behavior and when I told the people at the security check Lane, they just laughed at me and wanted to inquire what my problem was with the line.

I feel that a customer travelling should be made comfortable and the journey starts from the minute you enter the airport. The staff interactions are always part of the journey. If kolkata cannot understand this, then you could be in loss of gaining loyal patrons.

I would suggest
Firstly, they increase the no. of ground staff who can at least help clear the trolleys and make the area visibly clear.
Last but not the least, pls educate and train the ground staff in customer handling and politeness so that they can have courteous dealings in the future.

Best wishes to kolkata airport authorities and hope that the tackle the issue, speedily and rightfully.

Kindly increase the photo upload limit of 2mb so we can upload pictures.

Scam or fraud: Airport Authority Of India – Kolkata Airport — Stray trolleys and behavior of staff regarding the same

Submitted by:Ankitaosatwal

Complaint Details:
I would like to inform the authorities of the rude and dismissive behavior of the staff when I informed them that they should try to clear up the area in front of the entrance to security check. I opened another area so that I would be easy for people to pass at which they raised an objection and said that, “Move trolley and come from there only”
Similar situation was present at the indigo line and the lady attending to me pointed out to me that I should try and make my way through the storm of trolleys.

I was astonished at this behavior and when I told the people at the security check Lane, they just laughed at me and wanted to inquire what my problem was with the line.

I feel that a customer travelling should be made comfortable and the journey starts from the minute you enter the airport. The staff interactions are always part of the journey. If kolkata cannot understand this, then you could be in loss of gaining loyal patrons.

I would suggest
Firstly, they increase the no. of ground staff who can at least help clear the trolleys and make the area visibly clear.
Last but not the least, pls educate and train the ground staff in customer handling and politeness so that they can have courteous dealings in the future.

Best wishes to kolkata airport authorities and hope that the tackle the issue, speedily and rightfully.

Kindly increase the photo upload limit of 2mb so we can upload pictures.

Scam or fraud: CIT Solutions Pvt Ltd — Billing Issues- Wrong Billing and continued no response

Submitted by:  Kriti U Rao

Complaint Details:
CIT Solutions Pvt. Ltd is probably the worst Internet service provider in Bangalore. The speed for which they charge exhorbitant tariffs is never what consumers get.

However they have been sending us a wrong bill for last 6 months and have been levying late charges for a payment already made to them. My account nbr AWH000413 was closed on 29th Dec 2016 however till date they have not given me clarity on what i have to get back from them (they have taken 1 month rent and 3000 rs as deposit for the box they provide). There is no response from team about my queries and also my account ledger in days.

Please help sort this and also regulate their practices which is practically cheating consumers of money and NO service at all.

Scam or fraud: SSC — Ssc cgl 2016 TIER-2 answer key

Submitted by:  vaishali01

Complaint Details:
SSC has provided answer key for CGL tier-2 exam but the answer sheet does not contain DI chart as 5 questions are from DI and during exam I found mistake in a few of those questions so I couldn’t attempt them. Now how can I check without chart if there was mistake or not because 1 single mark matters a lot to clear the exam cutoff. Should I send mail to SSC regarding this or is there any other solution?? Please help.

Scam or fraud: — My Order didn’t get placed and Myntra Took my money. It’s more Than Month

Submitted by:  Alankar Patil

Complaint Details:

I am Alankar Patil

On 18th December 2016 I tried to make order on by name of My sister Smita Patil. I didn’t get any message and neither my order get placed. But my Rs.1057 has been deducted from my account,
I have that entry of amount get deducted from my bank account.
Today is 25th Jan 2017. It’s almost 38 days and they are still asking for more days.

Scam or fraud: Fedex — Harassing

Submitted by: niharikaagarwal2222

Complaint Details:

I had called for a parcel via fedex which left China on 27th November. Its 25th January and I still havent got the package. Following are my concerns:
1. They charged me a premium to provide delivery within 7-8 days. They failed to do so. I would have rather sent my goods via ship or some other courier company
2. The customs support team is more than useless. I wrote to them every single day asking for an update on my package. THEY CONVENIENTLY did not REPLY. They just didnt reply. I finally got to talk to them regarding the status of my package by calling them. The lady who handed by account was called Ms Afsana Parikh. Rather then sorting the issue out, she started behaving crude and completely out of line.
3. After a lot of to- and fro, they got it cleared from customs and sent for delivery. Much against my horror, they charged me 20000 + as “warehousing charges”.The delay had been from their side.The goods I needed in 10 days, reached me in 40 days, plus they were billing me for it. I had provided all necessary documents from my side. FEDEX caused the delay and not my company. So why are we being penalised for that?
4. I have challenged the invoice sent by them, solely on incorrect warehousing charges.I am ready to bear the customs duty levied. Now the only reply I have been getting is – Your complaint has been forwarded to the necessary department.Since 6 days, the same reply
5. My shipper in China, is being harassed by Fedex saying that if the goods are not cleared, then it will be ceased by Customs they will have to bear the charges.
This is just not acceptable. I am stuck in a situation where my shipper is putting pressure on me to pay, while fedex india is not resolving the issue.The customer support team is very unreliable. I don’t know how to resolve the issue;
Tracking number :715645700070

Scam or fraud: NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure — 0

Submitted by: Saurabh Shrama

Complaint Details:
महोदय कृपया अवगत कराना है कि मेरा नाम- संदीप यादव, एक्‍नालेजमेन्‍ट नं0-52002311108322001, पी0आर0एन0 नं0- 52002311108322, पी0ए0ओ0 न0- 4012606 है, मैने दिनांक 16 जून, 2016 में अपने प्रान आवंटन से सम्‍बन्‍धित समस्‍त फार्मो को भर कर एवं मुख्‍य कोषाधिकारी तथा डी0डी0ओ0 से हस्‍ताक्षर कराकर कार्वी डाटा मैनेजमेन्‍ट सर्विस लिमिटेड, (सी0आर0ए0 फेसिलिटेशन सेन्‍टर), 94, एम0जी0 मार्ग, अपोजिट गवर्नर हाउस, हजरतगंज, लखनऊ को भेजा था।
उपरोक्‍त के सम्‍बन्‍ध में अवगत कराना है कि 07 माह से अधिक का समय व्‍यतीत हो जाने के उपरान्‍त भी अभीतक मेरा प्रान्‍ा नं0 नहीं आवंटित किया गया है। सम्‍बन्‍धित फर्म से बात करने पर उनके द्वारा कोई अच्‍छा रिस्‍पान्‍स भी नहीं दिया जा रहा है। बार-बार फोन कर अपने प्रान्‍ा आवंटन के सम्‍बन्‍ध में पूछे जाने के कारण सम्‍बन्‍धित फर्म द्वारा फोन भी काट दिया जाता है अथवा नहीं उठाया जाता है। कभी कभी फोन लगने पर सायं 05 बजे के बाद फोन करने की बात कही जाती है, सायं को फोन करने पर सुबह 10 बजे के बाद फोन करने की बात कही जाती है।
सम्‍बन्‍धित फर्म द्वारा इस प्रकार के प्रतिउत्‍तर दिया जाना उचित नहीं है। उन्‍हें प्रार्थी की समस्‍या का तत्‍काल नियमानुसार निस्‍तारण किया जाना चाहिए, किन्‍तु उनके द्वारा इस प्रकार का रवैया अपनाया जाना उचित नहीं प्रतीत होता है।
अत: अनुरोध है कि कृपया इस सम्‍बन्‍ध में अपने स्‍तर से उचित एवं प्रभावी कार्यवाही करने का कष्‍ट करें।

Scam or fraud: Motorola Solutions — Moto g4 plus power on problem

Submitted by: Puthiya Pandi

Complaint Details:
I have a moto g4 plus mobile with latest version Android 7.0(build number NPJ 25.93-14). After update of this version, if I switch ON the phone(power ON) from shutdown it couldn’t power on with displays a comment ie:(No Comment). And also phone automatically powered off and restart 3-5times then phone will work normal condition how to rectify that problem?

Scam or fraud: Paytm Mobile Solutions — Refund not money in bank

Submitted by:  sk1171990

Complaint Details:
Sir I have transfer 5000 Rs in bank to paytm wallet and then send the money to another account but the process is failed. so I will refunded in to bank but the money is not went in to bank and also deduct in paytm wallet . i have done so many complaint but they are not taking it seriously. Please do something to take my money into bank already 1 month gone . I have attached details provided me by paytm.
ORDER ID: 2482282257
ARN OR RRN NO: 75503726366010991561300
BANK TXN ID: 7365745460963651
WALLET TXN ID: 5080995413