Scam or fraud: Municipal Corporation of Delhi — Stagnation of water and choked sewage

Submitted by: Pravesh Dhaka

Complaint Details:
Situation is pathetic from last 6 months. People are not able to step on the road due to water and mud. On daily basis 3 or 4 fell into the drain and it is a serious risk to the life of children and others. Situation is getting worse day by day and plot owners are pouring waste on the road to safe their boundries. It has become hell. I request you to please have a look and take action. This has been reported previously but no action taken yet.

Address: Water Treatment Plant Road. kamruddin Nagar.

Nangloi Delhi -110041

Scam or fraud: Airtel — I lost my mnp sim how which is not verified.

Submitted by: Sourabh840

Complaint Details:
Sir i lost my new mnp sim which was due for verification i mnp from telenor jharkhand to airtel jharkhand..
I kept for mnp at 12 jan which was port nd FRC was also done bt i havent done verification.. Due to some mishap my sjm was lost and i need some alternative to get my sim.. As its most important for me.. what shall i do for it.. Kindly help me as soon as possible..
My contact no:9849238150

Scam or fraud: Mobikwik — Cash back not recived many times

Submitted by:  DeipakGupta

Complaint Details:
I added money to my account with the promo codes provided at mobikwik web face but most of the times cashback are not being credited.
Keeping in faith of your word as promised in ticket no 5856888, I tried add money of rs 13 using code REPUBLIC (which did not worked as informed). Now add rs 13 as promised.
There is still no Cashback which I was worried. If you believe that you cannot eat your own words, as promised process the Cashback.

Scam or fraud: Karuna Devi — Transaction password

Submitted by: Karuna Devi

Complaint Details:
First i registered for internet banking when i did not have debit card…now that i have me debit card i am not able to change my transaction password for first time…they are asking me to go to home column where i should click initiative, , , but to my surprise no such column is present…now how should i active my transaction password so that i can transfere funds..please help me.

Scam or fraud: Election Commission of India [ECI] — VOTER ID CARD – wrong name

Submitted by:  as01011953

Complaint Details:
Name:Deeksha Srivastava DOB: 20/11/1992. D/O: Arvind Srivstavar
Address: C-51 VDA COLONY, PHASE-1
I was registered in voter list and received EPIC no.AXK2335388.I have to say that in this process my name is incorrect, wrong name Deepa Srivastava is written inspite of Deeksha Srivastava (correct name) .To correct my name i have tried more and more by sending regd. letter to D.M Varanasi on date 1/8/2015 and 26/07/2016 and after this i also applied online to correct it in in sept.- oct.2016 with request id 15a432ea5f8dfdbdf 15a4303c299b9072.But due to lack of action result is nill .My name is not correct yet .
Here i again request to correct the name .please take action.

Scam or fraud: Vandeu — Vandeu Wc Memory Cloud

Submitted by:  astarengineer

Complaint Details:
Welcome to the orb of Vandeu international with Wc memory cloud providing you the eminent comfortness and featherweight feel to your feet and ankles. Wc MEMORY CLOUD TECH is the distinguished ability of Elasticity i.e to bend and flex under the influence of a force and regain its normal shape and size when the loads are removed. WC Memory Cloud Imparts the ability to alter shape with respect to the pressure supplied onto the footbed and retrieving its initial shape structure succeding the force being eliminated

Scam or fraud: Domino’s Pizza — Not received the refund even after 10-12 days

Submitted by:  Prasadjs86

Complaint Details:
I have placed an order on 18th Jan 2017 through your site for pizza to collect it from restaurant. When I reached at shop, person at counter ask me to pay for pizza even though I have paid the entire amount through netbanking through Kotak Bank. (attaching screenshot for reference). Person at counter asked me you will get refund in next 7 business days.
When I tried to contact your customer care, they ask me you will get it refund in 7 days. till now I have not received any refund.

Concern Ref : 2282528

Scam or fraud: ICICI Bank — SMAB charges applied without information

Submitted by: Kiruthika Gunasekaran

Complaint Details:
Dear ICICI Bank

I am an account holder of ICICI bank . when i checked my balance alert through net banking I saw a charge of rupees of Rs. 470 /- in the name of SMAB Chgs NOV16+Stax61.41 Date 17/12/2016 and Rs. 532 /- in the name of SMAB Chgs DEC16+Stax69.52 Date 13/12/2016 .
My account no is 189801504244
Mobile no- 9488161389 email. Id :
A/c holder Name : kiruthika
Please refund my money immediately where no fault from us …


Scam or fraud: Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation [IRCTC] — Lack of facilities in distant trains

Submitted by:  Go K UL

Complaint Details:
Sir, i am a passenger of train no 16382 jayanthi express dated on 30 th january and i boarded from quilon jn .i am submitting this complaint that there is no pantry facilities are available on the specific train and also there is no way to charge either a cellphone or a laptop.these are very basic things that should be needed in these type of distant trains.kindly make neccesary action regarding my complaint

Scam or fraud: Airtel — Delay in Refund

Submitted by: abdulfayas

Complaint Details:
I have given a request for a new broad band connection on NOV 22 2016 and i gave a cheque for Rs.3792 with number 000000000051 HDFC bank kotturpuram branch, I was told that the connection is not feasible in my location but to my surprise the cheque got debited from my account on Dec 20 2016, I never expected Airtel will debit my cheque without giving me a connection. I called Airtel customer support regarding this and I was told that the amount will be refunded within a week time, the interaction id for the conversation is 690232885, I called them on 2nd jan 2017 to get a status on this and I was told that I will have to send a mail to get my refund, This is very frustrating, i sent a mail to on 02/1/2017, i got a reply from them on 08/01/2017 saying they have the excess amoount as mentioned above in my account and asked me to send a cancelled cheque leaf to process the refund, i sent the cancelled cheque leaf on 09/01/2017, after that i got a reply from airtel on 10/01/2017 as mentioned below

“Dear Abdul Fayasss,
Greetings from Airtel!
This is in reference to your email requesting refund on your airtel fixedline number 04448565022.
I have registered your request for refund through NEFT and the reference number is 77511114. Let me assure you that the same will be completed within 15 days.
For further queries, please email. I will be delighted to assist you.” it was 20days ago and i am yet to get my refund amount, this is very frustrating and inethical from a renowned company like airtel. Please don’t give any cheque to them till you get your land line or broadband working.