Scam or fraud: Airtel — I didn’t get offer for 9910618086

Submitted by:  alokji

Complaint Details:
Mob no 991061886. I have recharge 299 for this number for std/local /roaming as I did before recharge and get offer .but now recharge and offer not activate yet because I m in roaming and after calling balance diduct from main account.please resolve problem or return money back I wanna port from here . Now many offer available from many operator .अगर मेरा लैंग्वेज यहां इंग्लिश में न समझ आया तो हिंदी में बता दू की मैं 299 का रिचार्ज करवाता था मैं रामिंग में रहता हूँ, और अब रेचेगे के बाद भी इनकमिंग और आउटगोइंग काट रहा है। मुर्ख बनाना बंद कर ।मेरा पैसा वापस कर मैं चली दूसरी कंपनी की ओर। भड़वागिरी बंद करो, पहले 299 का प्लान में दे रहा था इस बार भी मैंने चेक करके रिचार्ज करवाया और फिर ये हाल। साला इतना बड़ा चोर कंपनी सचमुच कोई नहीं हो सकता । चल मेरा पैसा रिटर्न कर ।जरूरत नहीं ऐसी कंपनी का ।

Scam or fraud: Smile N Buy — Quality & size

Submitted by:  Prafulla Devhare

Complaint Details:
Pls help me to cancell my order & also refund money.
Following are the issue for cancellation of order:
A. Quality is very bad as per picture shown during order booking.
B. Received shirts colour is different as shown in the order booking. See attached image of received shirts.
C. Size problem.

My order detail are:
Order no. S802137422 3022
AWB no. 1240110066194
Contact no. 9039989594
Mail I’d is

So I request you to Pls collect below despatched shirts & refund me as soon as possible.
If you have any doubts Pls call me on

Prafulla Devhare

Scam or fraud: Indore Municipal Corporation — Dirty water on the road

Submitted by:  SudhirSapna

Complaint Details:
We are very tired about the dirty water flowing on the road. Some people are continuing wash pots & cloths are out side of the house & all the dirty water flowing on the road or in front of our house. we are not able to stand there of walk freely. lots of smell & bacteria are pop up here.

pls do th need full & punish those type of people.

Scam or fraud: Makemytrip India — Refund not credit after cancellation of flight using

Submitted by:  vineetstar10

Complaint Details:
I had a round trip(FLIGHT) on date 23 Jan 2017 (From Delhi to Bhubhneshwar and From bhubneshwar to delhi) through I cancelled it on 23 Jan 2017 through

I did not get my refund money of amount 2188 rs(550 +1638) but on makemytrip website it is showing that money has been transfered in my account.
Kindly resolved the issue and do refund my money of amount 2188 rs.

I complaint regarding refund and the refund was processed and approved with refund reference number : HSM350548877132//HSM35054887713

My mob number: 9897999025
Vineet Kumar chauhan

Thanking You.

Scam or fraud: — For money refunds

Submitted by:  ashucutm

Complaint Details:
I buy saree by that company found in 16/01/2017 and return to 17/01/2017 because my mind is changed then matter go to money refund but 15 days has gone but money not found, customer always take 24 to 48 hour complain solving time but it’s fail once he told that your case solve in next day but not work, they have always take time but they were not working for solving the case for money refund.
here i have also mention the pickup receive id: 131141392321
so please action that matter.

Scam or fraud: Nextra Teleservices — No refund received yet, after 70+ days of disconnection request (cust id : 2055687)

Submitted by: pranavsonker

Complaint Details:
— I submitted an Internet broadband disconnection request on 24th Nov 2016.
— Was told that I will receive a call from executive within 30 days who will pick the router and the refund of Rs 1500 will be initiated to my account.
— I waited for around 46 days and when no one from Nextra called me.
— So, I called them up again on 9th January 2017. The executive (named Prashant) said that due to their leniency and no tracking, my request has not yet been forwarded for pickup. He said will escalate the request and very soon I will receive a call for router pickup.
— Provided me the Request # 2055687-9005.

— I again believed them and waited for another 25 days, no one followed up with me.
— Again, I called them up on 3rd Feb 2017 & they repeated the same thing that this will get escalated.
— Their supervisor re-assured again that someone will call me ASAP.

So In all I have been waiting for 70+ days now and still not sure if I will really get my refund or not.

Please HELP !

Pranav Sonker

Scam or fraud: Excel Service Hitachi Asp — Hitachi Authorized Service Provider in Borivali East

Submitted by:  sjshah

Complaint Details:
They are the biggest cheaters HITACHI has been appointed to maybe spoil the name of the company.
A person called Ruchi called me and said they are authorized service provider and your AC unit warranty has expired and you must take the AMC contract and told me the rates of Hitachi and then when I asked for the discount she said HITACHI company don’t give any discount but if you want you can get discount in EXCEL SERVICE .

And for my surprise the discount was huge, when I asked her to send her service representative to send for contract then a person arrived and said about contracts and even said for complaints you have to call only at EXCEL SERVICE numbers as HITCHI should not be informed about it as they will ask us for their share of money.When I called HITACHI at their goregoan office I got the information that EXCEL SERVICE only takes care of Borivali area and I happened to stay at MALAD, .
Then how could a service provider from Borivali has the connection to call me and ask for the AMC contract, and after few days I again got a call from EXCEL SERVICE boss Sandeep Gupta to warn me that I should not complaint in HITACHI if we have approached you for AMC as his partner is having good influence in politics and can make my life miserable.
Is HITACHI so incompetence to appoint such outrageous ASP.

Scam or fraud: Tata Motors — Very pathetic customer service

Submitted by:  Ragav665475

Complaint Details:

I took delivery of Tata Sumo Gold on December Mid from Tafe Reach Ltd. Unfortunately, I’ve not received any proper support from the sales person or heads. This is the second complaint being raised. My vehicle(TN 14 J 1671) was delivered with scratches and dents, it is still yet to be rectified by the authorized person. Very poor followup. Almost 2 months to pass and not received by Registration and permit from the showroom. Considering to drop purchasing from Tata Motors again in future. Will make sure, this reach all my friends. Being an Indian manufacturer, make sure you satisfy customer in service aspect so that you get that in return from them. VERY POOR & UNEDUCATED CUSTOMER SERVICE. KEEP IT UP. f..

Scam or fraud: Central Board Of Secondary Education [CBSE] — Segregate from examroom on non payment of fee

Submitted by: Sukhdev Prajapati

Complaint Details:
Dear Sir,
Most respectfully submits as under,
My two daughters are studying in St. Theresa’s Girls School Piplani Bhopal, I had paid complete fee of my one daughter but few months fee still pending of my second daughter, to my second daughter came home and asking why did’t paid my fee my sister ROSY(principal) stopped me and not permitted to give exam, I am very upset that, government running many schemes like “BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO” but these situation shows actual trend, and private schools are not taking any interest on that and any fear that RIGHT TO EDUCATION ACT is also there, so I requested that kindly suggest me what I have to do on this situation.

Sukhdev Prajapati

Email Id:

Scam or fraud: Central Board Of Secondary Education [CBSE] — Segregate from examroom on non payment of fee

Submitted by: Sukhdev Prajapati

Complaint Details:
Dear Sir,
Most respectfully submits as under,
My two daughters are studying in St. Theresa’s Girls School Piplani Bhopal, I had paid complete fee of my one daughter but few months fee still pending of my second daughter, to my second daughter came home and asking why did’t paid my fee my sister ROSY(principal) stopped me and not permitted to give exam, I am very upset that, government running many schemes like “BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO” but these situation shows actual trend, and private schools are not taking any interest on that and any fear that RIGHT TO EDUCATION ACT is also there, so I requested that kindly suggest me what I have to do on this situation.

Sukhdev Prajapati

Email Id: