Scam or fraud: Axis Bank — Swip machine

Submitted by:  sameer bhanderi

Complaint Details:
A/C NO -913020056437484
TID NO :- 74313656

AXIS BANK ને જણાવવાનું કે અમે તમારી પાસેથી સ્વાઇપ મશીન બે લીધેલ છે જે 2013 થી અમે વપરાશ કરી રહિયા હતા જે હવે છેલ્લા 15 દિવસથી ખરાબ થયેલ છે જેની નોંધ અમે worldline કંપની ને જાણ કરવામાં આવી હતી જે તારીખ 24.1.2017 ના રોજ ફરિયાદ કરવામાં આવી હતીઃ જે નો નંબર CHLD236240117110907 છે . પણ અમારી હોસ્પિટલ માં 15 દિવસ થી અત્યાર સુધી કોઈપણ વ્યક્તિ સર્વિસ માટે આવેલ નથી અને જેથી અમને પેસન્ટ પાસેથી નાણાં લેવામાં ઘણી તકલીફ થઇ રહી છે તો તમોને વિનંતી કે જો તમે સર્વીશ આપવામાં અસંતુષ્ટ હોય તો અમારા બે મશિન બંધ કરી આપવા વિનંતી.

Scam or fraud: Poorvika Mobiles — Complaint Regarding Selling a Used Product as New

Submitted by: David Lamington

Complaint Details:
On 22-1-2016, I bought a Samsung Galaxy A8 (IMEI:355015070014278). I made this purchase at Poorvika Mobiles Private Limited, Vijaya Complex, Ambattur, Chennai.
On 15-1-2017 I faced an issue with My Phone’s Charging Slot as I was in Coimbatore that time I have taken it to nearest service centre they have told me that my phone’s warranty period was over By 4-1-2017 to reconfirm this I have taken my phone to the Samsung Authorized Service Centre at Anna Nagar they have also told me the same.
I have approached Poorvika Showroom, Ambattur There I Met the store manager Mr.Haji. I told him about this issue he forwarded my Complaint to Mrs.Aishwarya(Mobile:7358770765) now she is handling the complaint.
I am depressed after Knowing the fact that Poorvika sold me a used mobile and I also like to mention that my phone seal was open at the time of purchase. I have not taken it as a big issue because I brought my first mobile at Poorvika which is still working well So I am kindly asking You to Replace My Phone or take the responsibility of service charge before 9-2-2017. If no action is taken before 9-2-2016 I will have to take sever actions.

Scam or fraud: Bharat Sanchar Nigam [BSNL] — Broad Band Connection & Landline Dead for more than 8 days

Submitted by: Nishikant Nanda

Complaint Details:
I have taken a BSNL Broadband connection of 4mbps line & its already 10 days the connection is dead.I called the SDO and Lineman both and they are saying the cable is cut under the railway line and all and saying it will be resolved as soon as possible but they are not taking any actions at all.

This is completely not acceptable. BSNL please consider this as are also paying the money even if the connections is dead.

Scam or fraud: Dishtv — Wrong VC number Recharge

Submitted by:  Vasudev11

Complaint Details:
Hi I am Vasudev i had recharged the wrong VC number 01517435613 through freecharge app instead of my current VC number 01526200491. The wrong VC number also belong to me itself but we recently changed the Set top box thus VC number has been changed. So Can you please move the amount from old VC 01517435613 number to new VC number 01526200491. The order Id for the wrong VC number recharge was FCDA170202578198066 through Freecharge app.

Scam or fraud: Motorola Solutions — Motorola moto z play

Submitted by:  Mukti Swain

Complaint Details:

I have purchased a Motorola Moto Z play from Flipkart on 27.11.2006. But, when I was going to SIKKIM it was dropped my hand and the display has broken and the display was also not seen. But vibration was activated. Hence I face lot of problem.

Hence I submitted the said handset to the Motorola Moto Service at SCR15/E (666), Near Kali Mandir, Bapujee Nagar, Bhubaneswar on 30.01.2017.

But, now after passed of ten days the service center has told me that they are not received the price list.

Sir, really I am very worried to purchase your product. I think you have not aware of the fact.

Sir, one of the my friend faced same problem at at SIKKIM. But, he now get the phone after two days. Because he was purchased SAMSUNG mobile.

I would therefore request you to kindly take an appropriate action at an early date as your service is very poor than other mobile organisation.

Scam or fraud: / Saturday Sunday Media Internet — Returen my amounts

Submitted by:  thoolika

Complaint Details:
My orders placed in at 24.01.2017. Im paid through credit card
Order no: 080467729690340 sony speakers 4.1 Rs. 2098 and 080467780619294 samsung power bank 20000 MAh Rs 498. Im phoned several times and mailed also no any responses so i want to cancel my orders and please re fund it.
Mobole Number :9410008508

Scam or fraud: Onlineclues — Diffrent color shirts recived

Submitted by:  Arfu

Complaint Details:
Hi team,

I am very upset with you .you toyally deliverd the diffrent pattern shirts what i have orderd and thers is very diffrent pattern and images and quality is also very dull.and your cutomer care was not picking my call and its to disgusting. please replace it or i should go for other way because i m trying to call you and no one is picking my call.

Scam or fraud: Reliance Life Insurance — Not received premium paid receipt

Submitted by:  Rajeev patairiya

Complaint Details:
Dear sir,

I have paid my insurance premium of rs.12, 500/- through online payment against my policy no.13747969, but till date, I have not received premium paid receipt and also updated in my account.

I request u to kindly send the receipt immediately for claiming u/s 80c and also update the same in m y account.

Thanking u.


Rajeev kumar Patairiya
477 mashia ganj sipri bazar Jhansi U.P.-284003
Policy no. 13747969
Mobile no.09616192496

Scam or fraud: Hathway — Wrongly charged my Broadband connection

Submitted by:  Prasad Pechetti

Complaint Details:
I am using the Hathway fast 7 -8 months and today I have received the call from Hathway customer care (+91 80-46606015), she had told me I have consumed that 40GB FUP this month, so If I pay 1215 rupees, I can get 120 GB per month next three months (I have 2 and half months old 40 Plan exists). So I have agree and paid the 1215/- and checked my account only 80GB plan given. I have called the customer care above number told me that they will arrange call back and I have received call from different person told me that there is no 120 GB plan. Why these ppl cheating the customers I am not understand. Please take necessary action on this company.

Scam or fraud: Hero Motocorp — Poorest service ever

Submitted by:  Anjani K

Complaint Details:
With utter disgust, I would like to state that my Hero Maestro is due for servicing.
A registered office in sec 37 D, Chandigarh is only a dilapidated building and no bird or human seems to reside there. No pains have been taken by the office people to remove the address amd phone numbers from Google.
And talking about phone numbers, the customer care number is busy since eternity. Looking at the disgusting service, I wonder if anybody even calls them. But they are busy since last 15 mins. I have been trying to reach all other numbers of delhi and chandigarh offices on google but to no avail.

I shall sell out my vehicle and shift to another brand instead. A company who doesnt care for its customers needs to be shut down.

There is nothing heroic about hero .

Grieved customer,