Submitted by: satyasingh
Complaint Details:
Dear sir i swap two times my card at reliance petrol pump rewa road near degree collage on 26 jan 2017
when i swap of 500 rupees machine has show error again i swap my card in machine of 500 rupees again show msg error
Thank i fill cash of rupees 500
after 10 min msg came in my mobile
Your A/c XXXXXXX7275 is debited through ATM Card by Rs. 500 Total Bal : Rs. 000000 CR Clr Bal : Rs. 000000 CR 26/01/2017 — 26/01/17 12:00 – ALB
when i complain to the petrol pump owner he told its not my duty pls complain to the bank
In bank manager told pls show this msg to owner and tell him to cheak the same date statement if money debited on his a/c
I m too much confused this time
Kindly clear my case otherwise i complain to the consumer foram