Submitted by: Sharatg
Complaint Details:
Hello Sir,
My name is Sharath who is staying near Kariyamma agrahara, near prestige tech park back gate.
The area us really unsafe to live becos of dust coming from road when construction vehicles move in the back gate road. Although some tractors try their best to water the road, its not helping in anyways.
Second, there is a cement crusher point near tech park produces lots of toxins, sound pollution.
Night time its tough to breath some toxic burnt smell comes near the house and i have sensed eye irritation lot of time. And if you open the window while sleeping and morning u getup and one can notice some toxic gas or burnt plastic air pollutants surrounding the house.
Please do take some action as lot of constructions happening in this area. I see already people suffering with recurring respiratory disorders. Please declare this area is unsafe to live. So that ppl atleast live far including me. And do conduct some test and give awareness to ppl who live here.