Scam or fraud: Indian Oil Corporation [IOC] — deficiency in service: consumer no. 13825

Submitted by:  hsm1

Complaint Details:

1. Cylinder is half empty and given as new cylinder on 10 August 2017. When asked to weigh it, delivery boy does not have weighing machine. Cylinder handed over to female resident who is not in a position to check weight, seal etc. This is not the first time that cylinder is delivered without weighing.

2. M/s Japnit is the Distributor in NE Delhi (next to Chattarsal stadium). Gas was delivered after 10 days of booking and that too with half empty cylinder.

3. M/s Japnit was informed about deficiency on 11 August morning and promised to exchange cylinder. No action till now.

4. There is no accountability by the parent IOC. There is no complaint redresal system as none of the complaint links work on the IOC website. Customers are being treated as guinea pigs.

