Scam or fraud: Jaiprakash Associates / Jaypee Group — Fixed Deposite / not giving any interest nor refunding the principal amount

Submitted by:   Arun Kumar Banerjee

Complaint Details:
FDR No-00552719, (of Amt. 51, 000/-), Investor Code-1099527.
The FD amount of Rs.51, 000/- has been renewed on29/10/[email protected]%, in the Joint name of Ratna Banerjee & Arun Kumar Banerjee.
Since long it is not paying any interest, nor refunding the principal amount.

So many complain lodged to Dr, Manoj Gaur, Exe.Chairman, CEO & MD via email. Initially after complain got onemonths interest on February’2016, then again it has been stopped till date, and not receiving any responce, after so many reminder.

