Submitted by: Dashrath_Bawne
Complaint Details:
This a query about order id – 18195336148 and Reference No – 39894312
I’m sorry for my bitter words, but you guys deserve it. I placed an order twice for Micromax spartk 2 mobile and paid also in advance, still twice I got empty parcel. First time you guys said it was mistake and money was refunded. Second time without specifying anything you sent me an email stating “While processing your return request, we reviewed your account and found some transaction that do not pass our internal check”. What does this mean…? Don’t I have right to know why it was canelled? Where’s transparency? why was I abandoned? Why my account was suspened and suggested me not to do any transaction on snapdeal?
That’s you who made me fool twice but you are behaving with me like I did misdeed.
I want the answers for above question and I WANT MY MONEY BACK.
You can reach me here for any queries.
email –
Mobile – 09790941730
A customer who believes, “Snapdeal” is a comapny which has FRAUD in their DNA.