Submitted by: jai kishan Jangid
Complaint Details:
Dear Sir,
1.Please refer our email dated 27.12.2016 and Order ID : OD607892262061817001 dated 18.12.2016.
Item received by me on 23.12.2016 and checked compatibility on the same day.
It was not found suitable for me and return request had been generated vide request
No. :-
Return ID : 1020791768086081513, 1020793169625035460,
1020795023463856747, 1010796101883011286 etc.
The above item is still laying with me. Ecart representative has also been informed on mobile no. 7230017120 and 9785322777 by me to collect the item but Ecart representative stating that shoe are used partially. However, the same are not used by me since i have informed on the same day to return back.
If you want photograph of the above item, i shall submit.
Request kindly instruct concerned Ecart to collect the item from me and refund my amount at the earliest.