Submitted by: thakurlokesh777
Complaint Details:
I purchased 6 shirts from worth Rs. 2849/- on 09/11/2016. I returned 4 out of 6 shirts. Amount of 2 shirts worth Rs. 494/ and Rs. 405/- has been refunded. I returned other 2 shirts worth Rs. 494/- and Rs. 479/-(Total – 494+479=973/-) for replacement. But, they told me that the shirts has not passed our quality check and your shirts would be returned to you without any replacement. They returned me the shirts but those shirts are totally of different colour and brands what I returned them for replacement. So, they have cheated me by sending shirts of different colour and brand. I have also written to but Problem has not been resolved even after 2 months. But n
Order ID: Order ID: 16646271805 Dt. 9th Nov, 2016
Item: Highlander Navy Casuals Slim Fit Shirt NA .
Item: Highlander Multi Casuals Slim Fit Shirt NA :