Scam or fraud: Bharati Saha,(266229/ip1 )referl. No.t-14467 — Un due and unauthorised cash received from patient party before discharge on 19.11.2016

Submitted by: bharati saha

Complaint Details:
Bharati saha (266229/ip1 )was admitted in your hospital on 10.11.2016 under dr. Suddhasattwa sen, gi surgery under referral no. T-14467 against e.S.I. Card no.41134244848 in the name of santi ranjan saha. Operation done on 12.11.2016 under package cost of e.S.I. M.B. Scheme.
But on the day of discharge ( 19.11.2016 ) some staff of billing group of this hospital demanded rs. 5600/- and collected the cash from the patient party without assigning any particular reason for the money. ( the money receipt dt. 19.11.2016 enclosed)
on subsequent day of check-up when break-up and reasons for the money received on 19.11.2016 was asked from the billing section, they first said that the money rs. 5600/- was refunded to the patient party as shown in the computer and said to consult with sh. Ashis bhattacharyya and mrs. Ptatima banerjee of corporate desk. But they denied to contact.

But we have not received back any money for rs. 5600/- neither any break-up for the money received from us.

Pl. Look into the matter and arrange to refund the moneu for rs. 5600 /- taken on 19.11.2016 sh. Santi ranjan saha, husband of bharati saha (266229/ip1 )

